Man this is a cool toy. I suggest you get one. But who was R2-Q5? Wookiepedia, fill us in...
I have been through some terrible things in my life, some of which actually happened. --Mark Twain
Dr. Joseph Lowery: The Soul of America
A Film by Scott Galindez
Dr. Joseph Lowery co-founded the Southern Christian Leadership Conference with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. Lowery is concerned about the "Soul of America." He told those gathered at Camp Casey that they were the "Salt of the Earth" and they would be the ones to redeem America.
DELAY: Oh really.
MATTHEWS: Oh of course it was. We got on the air as fast as we could....
MATTHEWS: Shannon [DeLay aide] told me, she called me, she said 'don't worry -- he's not calling in to complain'...
MATTHEWS: Have you seen this new focus group stuff on the candidates?
DELAY: No I haven't
MATTHEWS: It's great stuff. I'll send it to you -- it's great -- yeah it's great stuff. Hillary, John Kerry. All these guys, all these democrats, and how they do. And, uh, Frank Luntz did it...
DELAY: who I like
CM: ...and Hillary did not do well. Kerry did well.
DELAY: You're kidding.
MATTHEWS: I am NOT kidding. They didn't like Edwards -- they thought he was a rich lawyer, pretending to care about poor people...
DELAY: Too slick. Too slick.
MATTHEWS: ...and Hillary was a know-it-all.
DELAY: Nothing worse than a woman know-it-all
MATTHEWS: Thanks. I owe you one. I owe you two -- today and last night.
DELAY: No you don't.
DELAY: I appreciate it.