Thursday, December 06, 2007

Delaware Day Eve, 2007

Stopping by the liquor store after work tonight to pick up Caesar Rodney's booze.

I think there's some hay left out on the street out front from the Hollywood Santa Parade- I'll scoop some up for his horse.

My nephews back east are getting too old to believe that the Ghost of the Former President of Delaware will be visiting them tonight (heck, two of the little rugrats actually live just over the border in Pennsylvania... eek!)

Way out here in LA we'll be looking at google earth maps of the pluckiest little state, dreaming of Democracy, I-95, and a certain cancerous, stoic patriot riding through the rain to make our great country greater... and to ensure glory to the Diamond State, the Small Wonder...

From New Castle to Laurel, Rehoboth to Dewey, Bear to Mt. Cuba... tomorrow is Delaware Day!

Revisit Delaware Days past with Dodging the Apocalypse:

Delaware Day 2006
Delaware Day 2005
Delaware Day 2004

Sing along, if you can:

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